Sunday, March 2, 2008

How to Spot Early Pregnancy Signs

While a pregnancy test can give you a definite positive or negative, there are ways to spot early pregnancy signs before confirming with a test. A woman’s pregnant body undergoes a number of changes and some may be clear giveaways about whether or not you are pregnant.

Keep track of your menstrual cycle. Have you missed a period? While other factors can impact menstruation, a missed period is one sign of pregnancy.

Take notice of how you are feeling. If you are queasy, especially in the morning, or if certain smells or tastes make you feel nauseous, these can be indications of morning sickness. Not all women experience this symptom, however.

Consider any spotting since your last period as a possible early sign of pregnancy. When the embryo implants into the uterus, it may or may not result in spotting in some women. Cramping is also an early pregnancy sign and may be associated with implantation.

Experiencing a loss of appetite or changes in appetite, such as food cravings, can be a pregnancy symptom. Similarly, some foods that you previously enjoyed may become completely unappealing to you.

Evaluate your energy. Do you feel tired? Pregnancy can cause a shift in some new mom’s energy levels, so be aware of any fatigue.

Soreness, tenderness and/or swollen breasts may also be an early pregnancy clue.

Increased urination is another possible sign of pregnancy, so frequent trips to the restroom may be caused by more than an increase in drinking fluids.

Some women gain weight early in their pregnancy, so if you see a sudden increase on the scale, pregnancy is one possible reason.

Keep in mind that no two pregnancies are the same, and that women have varying pregnancy symptoms.

Always see your physician or midwife if you suspect you may be pregnant. If a home pregnancy test produces a positive result, schedule an appointment so that you can start your pregnancy on the right track.

If you have a negative pregnancy test result, but continue to have any of these symptoms, you may want to wait a week before taking another pregnancy test. If you still test negative, but have any of these symptoms, see your physician. He can do further testing and determine if the symptoms are due to an illness.

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1 comment:

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